Ben Thirkill
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Curriculum Vitae


Astrea Toolbox Game Addon

Astrea Toolbox is a performance focused All-In-One prop protection addon for the game Garry’s Mod.

Garry's mod is a Sandbox game where users can spawn and build with 'Props', this addon protects those props, preventing players ruining other players builds, and preventing people crashing servers by abusing the physics engine. (I also have other modules, such as in-game chat protection)

I think the highlight of the addon for me though is the powerful permissions system it is backed with.

Making and selling this was a great experience for me, I learnt a lot about turning a script into a product.


The Settings Menu

Even though this was a majorly back-end project, this was also the first user interface I was somewhat proud with! This project definitely sparked my interest in UI/UX design.

Of course, like every old project, there's about a billion and one things I'd change now.


A Powerful Permissions System

Astrea's permission system is my favourite feature.

You can create Astrea Roles, and assign each role their own permissions. Players can then be given access to these roles, either by their usergroup or their ID.

One player can have access to multiple roles, giving server owners a lot of customisation options.

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